every family

Could you spot the warning signs in yours?

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Diabetes awareness assessment
to test your diabetes knowledge

True or false?

excessive thirst is a possible warning sign for diabetes


The answer is true.

Excessive thirst is a possible warning sign for diabetes.

True or false?

people with diabetes often lose their sense of smell


The answer is false.

Losing your sense of smell is not a possible warning sign for diabetes.

True or false?

hair loss can indicate whether or not you have diabetes


The answer is false.

Hair loss is not a possible warning sign of diabetes.

True or false?

frequent urination is a possible warning sign for diabetes


The answer is true.

Frequent urination is a possible warning sign for diabetes.

True or false?

people with diabetes can experience numbness in their hands and feet


The answer is true.

Numbness in the hands or feet is a possible symptom of diabetes.

True or false?

being overweight increases your risk of getting type 1 diabetes


The answer is false.

Being overweight does not increase your risk of getting type 1 diabetes. Being overweight is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is usually caused by an auto-immune reaction where the body’s defence system attacks the cells that produce insulin.

True or false?

people with diabetes cannot eat sweet food


The answer is false.

People with diabetes can eat sweet food but, like everyone else, should avoid eating too many foods high in sugar for general good health and wellbeing.

True or false?

diabetes can be a life-threatening condition


The answer is true.

Diabetes is a serious condition when left untreated or not managed correctly. It is responsible for four million deaths each year and is a leading cause of heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and lower limb amputation.

True or false?

You cannot catch diabetes from another person


The answer is true.

You cannot catch diabetes from another person.

True or false?

people with diabetes should not exercise


The answer is false.

People with diabetes should exercise regularly. Regular physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet are important components of good diabetes management.


You scored 8 out of 10

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You didn’t get every question right, but don’t worry, you’re not on your own. Our research has shown that less than one-in-five people would be able to spot the warning signs of diabetes in their families.

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